After purchasing the Universal Mighty Mounts and placing the bike rack on top, the rear strap kept hitting the garage door every time the rear tire came up on the lip at the end of the garage. I decided to buy the 23H Mighty Mounts and they came in today. Man, these took so much longer than mounting the skid plate! I had issues with the rear mount where the bolt was going into the recessed bolt hole but it was not tight enough. So I decided to flip it over and not use the recessed hole for the bolt. It worked much better. Then I put the Yakima lock over it but it would not fit since the plastic was sticking out too far. The solution for this was taking out my rotary tool and using the rear plug in the FJ to power it. I shaved off a few mm from the mount and everything finally fit. That was my first use of the plug in the FJ!
After finally installing them, the rack sits about 1 or so inches lower than the Universal Mighty Mounts and it doesn't hit the garage door. Wohooo!
Final upgrades Orbea Euskaltel
11 years ago